I have this Balboa BFE15 5515-01 control box and panel system with 2x 2-speed pumps. Pump 1 is the main pump for hot water and pump 2 is simply for circulation on some separate jets. Pump 1 low speed no longer works and so when the heater turns on, the heater overheats because pump low speed does not turn on. Then what happens is that the controller switches the heater off due to the overheating caused by the heater being on without water flowing. If I get to the spa in time when heating starts and press the jets 1 button on the control panel, Pump 1 will turn on directly to high speed and the spa heats up properly with pump 1 on high speed. So, I think my only issue is that pump 1 low speed is pooched.
Any suggestions of what to replace? I have some soldering skills so am open to working on the board itself. Alternatively, I would be fine if the heater ran on jets 2 all the time so perhaps a rewiring of the pump is an option to test (if not the low speed relay).
Any tips appreciated, Maarten
-- Edited by maarten on Saturday 10th of July 2021 06:19:16 PM
-- Edited by maarten on Saturday 10th of July 2021 06:22:38 PM
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