I have a 2 person spa1500 series board. I had spa depot cross reference a new board as a tech told me my issue was from a bad chip. The old board could access the standard, economy and sleep modes by pressing the the temp up button then pressing the light button. The new board 54115 will not do that. It heats to 83 degrees but no higher which leads me to think it is in the sleep mode. The temp setting is at 104. The board is supposed reset back to the standard mode when the power is turned off. The heater light is on. The heater element was changed out and is new. The jumper on the new board was changed from 50 amps to 20 amps. I am an electrician so I know wiring was done correctly by use of numbers and photos. Any ideas about ready to trash it and have only had it a few months. Calspa is a 2006. Spa ran great for 3 months. Voltage is good at 120v.
Hello Linville, Sorry I am just now seeing this we thought we had the forum turned off and we did but it was still visible from online searches... The you are correct 54115 Board does not offer the mode changes like the original Cal Board did but that does not affect heating at all. In fact if it did have the modes that would affect heating if it was put in Economy or Sleep..If everything you stated is correct the tub will heat... I suspect the heater element is open or there is a damaged relay and your amperage reading is not correct.. Lite Leader Systems use a 4KW element which would read about 15.5 Amps not 20... The system if running without the heater ever coming on would heat to 83 degrees from friction of water movement through the system and the heat from the pump motor inside the cabinet.. Other than the Modes the 54115 board is identical to your old board.. Thanks, Spa Guy