Have power to control panel, can set mode, cycling timing and temperature setting but no jet pump (one only). Pump hums and gets hot to the touch. Can turn pump shaft with power off by hand with difficulty. GFCI dees not trip. What should I do next??? Please help.
I tried to edit my first email but no success. So I trying to give more information on my findings.
You have been very helpful, thank you. I get no reading from my starter capacitor. Motor is free to turn and if you give it a little twist with a screwdriver it will start. I can get high speed action while it is turning. No leakage at seals and bearings have no play. High speed cap reading good. Motor is a flo-master XP2, 1-1/2 hp 3450 rpm/1/8 hp 1725 rpm @ 115v @ 15amp/115v @ 3.9amp. Model T55MWCBP-1197, mfg no. MJ03C. The capacitor 233-280 MFD @110v. #61B1D110233NNEM. Large printed number
C103237300110. Do you have a replacement capacitor? Please include your part number.
Thank Lou
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