Recently came out to my Jacuzzi J355 spa for a much needed dip, only to find the gcfi breaker had popped. Spa has been working perfectly for last 2 years.
I flipped breaker on, approx. 5-10 seconds later breaker popped again. After doing some quick reading on trouble shooting, I stated pulling wires. I started with:
the heater wires....popped breaker. reinstalled wires.
the ozone wires...turns out I didn't have a ozone system
the circulation pump...Boom!!! Breaker did not pop. OK, must be the circulation pump. So I removed the circ. pump wires and reinstalled in pump 2 slot. I turned on pump 2 and breaker popped. Ok, must be circ pump.
I removed the pump and decided to plug in one last time and do a dry run....well the circ pump dry run didn't pop the breaker. WTF!!!!
OK, so reinstalled the pump, pulled the filter, pushed water through system to clear any air. I flipped the breaker...pump ran for another 5/10 seconds and it popped.
So, Furious now...I start looking over all components. I notice during the intial 5/10 start up, the screen is showing FL1 code. I check the flow valve and find that the during start up the valve moves over to the pin, which is about the time the spa flips the breaker. So now I am thinking its the flow valve. I disconnected the flow valve from the spa pack. I now have a constant FL1 code on the spa; but circ pump now runs and no breaker popping. I have good flow, out of the heater port in the bottom of the tub. I let it run for a couple hours, but now find the tub is not heating...