I have an At Home Dimention one Venture 6 person spa. It runs fine but once in a while it will run for 1 to 2 seconds and then kick off for 4 or 5 seconds and do this 20 times or more. When I pop the lid the display temp it going 37, 41,52,78,36 once as I was looking at the display while it was doing this and all the jets kicked on. Not just the heater jet all the jets full on. I did have a short power outage and I was told by the privious owner that it will do this when this happens and you just shut the power off for a min and on again. Any ideas
So sorry when hearing about it. Your Spa may have some problems. However, I'm not good at this field. I want to recommend color tunnel. You can see it and find the best way to solve it.